अर्जुन सिंह: एक जीवित किंवदंती/Arjun Singh: A Living Legend

मोकामा के शेरपुर गांव में आपका जन्म हुआ।  जीवन के नौ दशक देख चुके श्री अर्जुन सिंह ने बिहार सरकार में जूनियर इंजीनियर के रूप में अपने कैरियर की शुरुआत की थी  और वर्ष 1983 में इंजीनियर इन चीफ के रूप में सर्वोच्च पद से रिटायर हुए। उनके  सेवा के लंबे कार्यकाल में अविभाजित बिहार में इमारतों के निर्माण की एक लम्बी श्रृंखला है, साथ ही  राज्य और राष्ट्रीय राजमार्गों तथा  कई पुलों के  विशाल नेटवर्क के निर्माण का श्रेय भी अर्जुन सिंह को जाता है. लेकिन जब उनसे उनके कार्यकाल के सर्वश्रेष्ठ के बारे में पूछा जाता है  …. तो वे गर्व के साथ बोलते हैं पटना का `महात्मा गांधी सेतु’ .
उन्होंने कहा कि इसके निर्माण में पहले से ही एक सीमा से ज्यादा देरी हो गई थी, उसके बाद भी उन्होंने परियोजना को तय समय के अंतर्गत पूर्ण कर राष्ट्र को सौंपा।  उनके पर्यवेक्षण में पुल का निर्माण  एक रिकार्ड अवधि में पूरा किया गया. और वर्ष 1982 में गौरवमयी रूप में भारत की तत्कालीन प्रधानमंत्री श्रीमती इंदिरा गांधी द्वारा पुल का उदघाटन किया गया जो अर्जुन सिंह के लिए एक सम्मान था.

Arjun Singh stepped into the 90th year of his life on 24 December 2013. In a span of nine decades he has witnessed, lived and contributed, in a substantial measure, to some of the historic moments of progress in the state of Bihar and India. As a freedom figher he spent six months in jail during the Quit India Movement in 1942. As an engineer par excellence he was actively engaged in the design and construction of a large number of the modern day monuments like bridges, roads and buildings that came up in post independence Bihar. He looks at the completion of Mahatma Gandhi Road Bridge across Ganga at Patna in 1982 as the most important achievement of his career.
Arjun Singh was born in a nondescript village named Sherpur that is situated about 100 km east of Patna on the bank of Ganga. As a student he was promising and bright. Inspite of the hardships at home he got through the matriculation examination with flying colours in 1942 and became the first matriculate in his village. The only source of income for the people in his village at that time was either farming or cattle raising. Arjun Singh, however, was nursing an ambition to create an alternative source of income for his family through his higher studies in Patna.

1942 was an important year in his life. He was admitted to Patna Science College, the best in Bihar and one of the best in India then. But the course of his life took a new turn when Arjun Singh took the plunge in the Quit India Movement . He became a part of the historic attempt made by a group of students in Patna who wanted to unfurl the national flag at the state secretariat and in which seven students died facing the volley of bullets in police firing. A monument in the memory of these seven martyrs named as Shaheed Smarak still stands before Bihar Assembly as a mute and grim reminder of the event. Fortunately at the time of firing he had to leave the spot for shifting an injured friend to a nearby tree. The friend had been injured in a cavalry march just before the firing.

The news about the firing and the death of the students had spread like wild fire all over the state. In the village when his family members came to know that Arjun too had been in the forefront at the time of police firing, they became very anxious. Describing those moments his younger cousin, Satyabhama(herself 87 years old), says, “Arjun Da was the role model of our family. We were resteless to know about his well-being. Just when my father(his uncle) was preparing to leave for Patna he(Arjun Da) arrived at Mokama Ghat by boat. The other modes of transport like rail and road had come to a standstill due to the movement. He reached home in the dead of the night.”

Arjun, however, was undeterred by the brutal measures of the Imperial Government to crush the movement at Patna and soon he joined his friends in picketing the schools in Barhiya. As a result he was arrested and sent to jail. He had to spend six months in jail where one of his friends who was also his classmate in the school was Kapildeo Singh who later chose politics as his profession and served the state as well as the country as a Cabinet minister at different intervals.

When Arjun came back from jail, his aspirations as a student had been thwarted. The doors of Patna Science College and all other colleges were closed for him. Somehow he got a seat for the diploma course at Patna Engineering College. Though he had always looked forward to doing the course of engineering from there, he was left with no choice but to pursue a diploma.

After finishing this course he joined the Government of Bihar as a Junior Engineer. However this did not stop him from acquiring the degree of engineering. He did so in 1948 by being an Associate Member of Institution of Engineers (India) . He was then appointed as an Assistant Engineer by Bihar Public Service Commission in 1949.

Shree Arjun Singh had had a successful and fulfilling career with the Bihar Government– starting from the lowest as a Junior Engineer, what was then called as ‘overseer’, to retire from the topmost position as Engineer-in-Chief in 1983. In the long stint of his service he is credited with the construction of a large number of buildings, a huge network of state and national highways and several bridges in the undivided Bihar. But when asked about his best, he says, “Mahatma Gandhi Setu at Patna” with a sense of pride. He was handed over to complete the project at a time when its construction had already been delayed beyond a point. Under his care the bridge was completed in a record period of time. He had the honour of getting it inaugurated by the then Prime Minister of India, Mrs Indira Gandhi, in 1982.

With a long period of 89 years that is replete with some interesting and exciting events and which also coincides with the tumultuous history of pre and post independent India, Arjun Singh has become a legend in his lifetime. Living in his house at Shree Krishna Puri, Patna he turns the pages of his life with the same passion and same sense of humour.

बाबु अर्जुन सिंह
बाबु अर्जुन सिंह

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